Sunday, October 2, 2011

Falcon 4 BMS 4 - Early Morning of D1 - Sortie 4692 - Debrief (Complete Version)

This the complete debrief of a BARCAP mission for which I previously wrote part 1. If you already read part 1, please scroll down once you open this entry. Otherwise, enjoy! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

DCS A-10C Warthog - Pointing the Targeting Pod Into Worthy Places

In total awe with the A-10C and its capabilities ... Really, how well all its sensors and avionics work for its primary mission.

I've spent some time today practicing with the targeting pod. I was interested in quickly pointing the targeting pod (TGP) back and forth across different areas of the battlefield.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead - Dead Space Can and Will Kill You (Part 2)

This is a continuation of a previous entry. Today, how I set up the fields of fire of my team and why it didn't work.

ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead - Dead Space Can and Will Kill You (Part 1)

Dead ground space is that piece of terrain that the collective field of fire of a defensive position can't reach. In this entry, I drop the ball on this basic concept.while commanding a fire team of US Special Forces.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Falcon 4 BMS 4 - Early Morning of D1 - Sortie 4692, BARCAP (Part 1)

Combat air patrol is the quintessential mission of the fighter. We finally head towards our station, itching for a fight.

Part one of our first mission is up.  LINK HERE.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Falcon BMS4 - Early Morning of D1 - "Scramble"

A few and me were the last pilots of the 36st Fighter Squadron that arrived to Osan Airbase (South of Seoul and almost on the west coast of Korea), just one day short of the start of the hostilities between North Korea and the combined forces of the Republic of Korea and the USA.

Now is day one (D1), around 5:40AM, and my wingman and me were being briefed for our first mission. All of  the sudden, the alarm goes off and we are called to scramble. Enemy aircraft inbound!

With just one familiarization flight, this interception in the dark is going to be challenging.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Regular Programming Resuming Soon

Woah! One week without a new entry ...

I will get back into the blog by the end of this week. I have been too busy with my brother who is visiting us from Spain.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Falcon BMS4 - Released

This was quite a surprise, even for those who were in the loop with the many mods for the original Falcon 4.0.

Friday, September 2, 2011

ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead - Herding Cats: Trying to Get the AI to Stay at and Fight from a Bunker

If you don't look too close, because AIs from all games will do stupid things, the one in ArmA 2 OA is more than decent. Most loved AI trait in my early days after installing the game: how they fire and maneuver against the enemy. Most hated AI trait this past week: how they fire and maneuver against the enemy ...

I'm trying to edit scenarios where the AI defends from the relative safety of a sandbag bunker and the first attempts have been frustrating.

After some Googling I found some old threads in several discussion forums. All good information, most of it beyond my grasp. So, I'm settling for a relatively simple way to get the enemy AI within the bunkers and them to stay there.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

VBS2 JCOVE Lite - A Patrols Section Poor Man's Counter Sniper

The mission was posed to be uneventful as the previous week on the north side of the Euphrates.

After securing the north neighborhoods of As Samawah, the south (and main urban center) part of the city has become an afterthought for the higher ups. The Iraqi authorities in As Samawah were eager to reach a deal in order to secure material support from the coalition. So the idea of this bloody meeting came to be. A British Army Col. and the chief medical officer of our regiment were the guests, scheduled to arrive six hours later in a southbound land convoy passing through the north part of As Samawah, then crossing a bridge into the very territory that our intelligence has deemed as friendly.

No peace-support-operations convoy of our regiment was supposed to enter into territory we have not patrolled extensively. But the meeting's time and place was a done deal. In order to take any potential troublemakers by surprise, we planned a heliborne insertion one kilometer north of the meeting place. Then we planned to move on foot through the north neighborhoods of As Samawah. My section was to march the exact route that the land convoy would take. The first bump in the road was the gateway to the south part of the city: a lengthy bridge over the Euphrates. 

Part (hasty) reconnaissance, part show of force. We are the patrols platoon of the regiment and this is what we do.