Thursday, September 1, 2016

Panzer Battles Kursk The Southern Flank - AAR - No Smoke Can Silence the Cries of the Dying

This is an AAR for Panzer Battles Kursk The Southern Flank. The scenario is #0708_05 Teterevino South. Massive spoilers ahead. You are warned.

From the scenario briefing:
Teterevino South, South of Prokhorovka: July 8th, 1943. (Scenario Size: Regiment. Soviet Human vs German AI) Major Mikhail Konstantinovich Belov had been given very clear orders. His 158th Guards Rifle Regiment had regrouped at Tetrevino South and was to attack Luchki South from the East. Voronezh Front intended this to be a diversionary attack, hopefully pinning or dragging away reserves from other parts of the German line. The assault would not be easy. The Guardsmen had to cross a deep, kilometre wide valley before assaulting the defenders on Hill 210.7. After breaking through they were to move towards the town and capture the bridge crossing the Donets and clear the town of any remaining enemy. Voronezh Front had provided both air and artillery support in the hope that the attack would be considered a major thrust rather than the intended demonstration. 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Tigers Unleashed Beta Patch, an Exclusive from the Dogs of War Virtual Unit

Tigers Unleashed is a very realistic, data intensive war simulation set in WWII. It was released four years ago. It has been continuously supported since and the Dogs of War Virtual Unit is hosting the latest beta patch.

Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
This is a D.O.W. exclusive. There is a new Beta for Tigers unleashed.

This is a beta patch. All the usual caveats apply. You might get errors, lock-ups or crashes. Please report if you do. Do not download and install this patch if you do not accept that issues can arise.

Command Modern Air and Naval Operations - Command Live: You Brexit, You Fix it!

Another installment for the Command Live series, folks!

Entirely focused in the Baltic region, the Brexit DLC is a set of two scenarios for the base game Command Modern Air and Naval Operations (CMANO).

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg - Take Your Infantry to the Attack Day - Remarks

This one is a very good scenario included in Combat Mission Final Blitzkrieg. Spoilers alert!

Rolling in style to the line of departure.

Firefight - Minireview

Yesterday I got Firefight at Steam. In one form or another, this wargame has been around for quite a while and it was about time it would get formally published.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Steel Beasts ProPE 4.0 Multiplayer Tomorrow at Dogs of War

People are signing up fast for tomorrow's Midweek Madness H2H. As seen in the Dogs of War VU:

Halfway to the weekend? It's time for...Midweek Madness.
Open to all. Friendly Head 2 Head
D.O.W. Vu  & Red Alert Vu
Wednesday Mission 24/08/16 @ GMT17:00
Defence of Losevo By Red Alert VU

Exciting New Developments at John Tiller Software

This is from "Strela", commander of the kampfgruppe behind the design and development of the Panzer Battles series (Battles of Normandy, Battles of Kursk - Southern Flank).

Introducing Wargame Design Studios.

We would like to officially announce the formation of Wargame Design Studio (WDS).

WDS is composed of industry veterans with experience in building games for the grognard war gamer.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

IL-2 Battle of Moscow

This one was released a couple of weeks back as a standalone sim or as a DLC for Battle of Stalingrad (Steam version).

It's good to be back in the "Rata" (I-16), the nimble rascal in which I spent so many hours of flight simulation back when Oleg Madox was in the corner office.