Monday, June 4, 2012

Those That Serve - New Video from BO

Dedicated to the International Security Assistance Force.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Squad Strongpoint - An Iron Front Liberation 1944 Single Player Mission (Sorta) - Briefing

A couple of fellow readers have asked me for the file mission of the "Overrun!" scenario and blog entry I posted a while ago. I am always willing to share scenarios but I am not very fond of the time-consuming process of polishing them ... (as you may have noticed I am on a very short supply of free time ... hell, I can't even answer all those great comments you guys leave!). Nonetheless, "Overrun!" was just a throw of units and waypoints. Believe me, not worth even 2 seconds of your time. So I decided to put up something on the same topic but with a bit more of meat and make it available for the readers of the blog. The scenario is about a thinly manned German defensive line facing a Soviet forward detachment's infantry-armor hasty attack.

The player is placed in the boots of a German sargeant in command of a squad strongpoint. Directly under his command, the only 4 men left of his squad. The strongpoint has a Pak40 AT gun, plus two mounted MG42s.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Short Stories from Small Wars I - LockOn Flamming Cliffs 2 - Georgian Su-25s Attack Russian "Peacekeepers" in Abkhazia - Debrief

Confined by the Caucasus sharp slopes, we entered the Kodori Gorge as fast as we could. We were flying, but it felt more like storming a trench.

This is a continuation from a previous entry.

Monday, May 28, 2012

SimHQ's Multiplayer Server for Iron Front Liberation 1944 is Up

If you are looking for a cool bunch of people for multiplayer matches, the guys at have a server up and a TeamSpeak channel too.
Besides many other missions and scenarios, there are no less than 3 multiplayer tank battles uploaded.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Iron Front Liberation 1944 - Overrun! - A Short AAR

Defense in depth is a great idea. Unless you are in the forward edge of outposts.

This is a short AAR of a custom-made scenario of Iron Front Liberation 1944 (review copy v1.60). 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Iron Front Liberation 1944 - Preview

The release of the highly awaited Iron Front Liberation 1944 is next Friday. Here is a short preview of what to expect. All material below is based in the review version (v 1.60) of Iron Front.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! (Matrix Games) - Review

The original Conflict of Heroes Awakening the Bear! is the first title of a highly coveted and popular series of board games designed by Uwe Eickert. With simple rules, fast game play, high quality materials and exquisite artwork, it was one of the most refreshing surprises in the world of tactical board war games. Now that it was ported into the PC format by Western Civilization and published by Matrix Games, players have the chance to an introduction to the game designs of Mr. Eickert (in case you haven't played the board game), play the game in solitaire mode with full fog of war (newer titles of board game series have a very interesting solitaire rule-based opponent, but full fog of war is impossible to implement) and most importantly play the game with anybody around the world.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Short Stories from Small Wars I - LockOn Flamming Cliffs 2 - Georgian Su-25s Attack Russian "Peacekeepers" in Abkhazia - Briefing

The Georgian ground forces can't bear the pressure from the Abkhazian irregulars at the Kodori Gorge. The Georgian withdrawal is due east and has come to an unexpected obstacle.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In Memory of PFC Michael Metcalf - An ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead Video

This video created and edited by BO from one of the team vs team (no AI) matches he hosts along with active duty members.

Rest in peace Mike ...


Game vs Book I - Kampfgruppe Peiper and the Bridges at Stavelot and Trois Ponts - Part Two

Continued from a previous entry ...

On to Stavelot, then. Before reading the book, I was all for smashing the whole 3rd Bn., 2 SS PzRegt. (highlighted in the screenshot above) against the bridge at Stavelot. During the real battle, Peiper chose a force with more punch.