Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Nobody Does Microterrain Like Arma 3 - AH-64D Apache Longbow, an Arma 3 Mod

Upset by my inability to run Jane's Apache Longbow, I drifted and landed on the helipad of this great mod for Arma 3.

This mod is not a study-sim level representation of the Apache attack helicopter, but the basics of what I wanted to do (target acquisition and general tactics) are there. You can read more about this mod here. 

Flying helicopters in Arma 3 has been traditionally bad. I am still owed those hours I've wasted in Take On Helicopters! There is a sluggish response in the controls and you need to develop that sense of anticipation. This is not the mod-making author's fault, of course. But you can sense how they are working diligently to overcome those game engine shortcomings.

But nonetheless, what brings me here is an unexpected and rewarding encounter with the so-called microterrain. You know, those folds and features of the ground that you put to use and use them as cover and concealment while on foot?

I've flown enough DCS Black Sharks, Gazelles, Hueys and Mi-8s to appreciate a detailed map that forces you to behave like a real helicopter pilot. But the detailed terrain in Arma 3 was eye-opening. 

When it comes to flight hazards, the trees are distributed in a more realistic manner, with small openings here and there. Power lines, both big and small are ubiquitous and you really need to take a good look before landing. Comm towers ruin more than one battle position. So good to be flying around in such real estate.

When it comes to combat, you can really play as a dismount and shoot at your friends trying to smack you with their Apaches. I've almost forgot this aspect of Arma 3. These type of options in the open world of Arma 3 eases my mind regarding realism or the lack thereof.

The Apache is a really good platform for attacks from the hover, and I don't want to waste the multiple cover opportunities offered to me. It will take some time to fly like I mean to. But sure it will be fun!

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