Battlefront's main web page may not say so, but
Combat Mission Shock Force 2 is reporting for duty.
One of the old scenarios (Circle the Wagons) has bee re-written and "RPG City" continues to be a handsome challenge for the virtual Marines. |
Not only the base game has been brought to the newest generation game engine but all the modules (US Marines, British Forces and NATO [Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands]) are also available. The amount of gameplay and diversity of equipment is astonishing.
From the same scenario mentioned above. Irregular forces attempt to overrun a US Marines platoon guarding two Abrams immobilized tanks. |
From a cursory look at my favorite scenarios, I can see many changes on how the computer opponent behaves. There was a massive effort in re-writing old scenarios and also a new crop of fresh ones. Some of the NATO module old campaigns are not available at this time, I read somewhere, and if solo campaigns are your thing, please check the official forums for this information.
A US Marines medium MG team on top of a roof. An AAV is on the street below, without proper infantry guard. |
The Gulf and Iraq Wars overtones plus the obvious thematic proximity with the current events in real life Syria will likely result in a multitude of user-created scenarios, campaigns and mods. The scenario and map editor in Combat Mission continues to be a source of fresh quality content.
Well, these Canadians have been ambushed and now dwell -not so happily and under fire from every corner of the map- at the "Crossfire Inn". Reinforcements coming soon. I hope. |
The British Challenger tank, with its distinctive armor skirts, is a magnificent piece of armor. In this armor-only scenario, Challies shown seconds before contact against Syrian counterparts. |
If you own any content for the original Combat Mission Shock Force, you can take advantage of a discounted price. I got the whole enchilada of game and modules for $35.00 (compare against the non-discounted price of $160.00).
I'm off to finish up my
video AAR of my match with Olav. Then, more Combat Mission Shock Force 2.
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