Here is a graphic showing this attack method:
I've done some toss bombing in Falcon 4 Allied Force but the weapons delivery computer of the F-16 does all the work for you. I remember doing some toss bombing with WWII-era airplanes (IL-2 series) and I only recall hitting a target once.
My question for this entry is: how does toss bombing feels like using an attack helicopter?
Using DCS Black Shark's mission editor, I armed my helicopter with 2xFAB500 (free-fall bombs) and placed a group of fuel tracks as targets.
After some troubles with finding/locking the targets and aligning my flight path with the targets, I went down to 120+ meters of altitude and pushed the cyclic forward until my speed was ~220 km/h.
At ~2.4 km from the objective, I start a 20 degrees climb and the first thing I notice is that my speed drops dramatically (note to self: this is no airplane, dude). Occupied with watching my airspeed and other parameters, I find myself too close to the targets.
I drop the two bombs and to my dismay they just fall down like heavy rocks. I was expecting to see the bombs to continue in an arc, but alas they just went down, with some forward inertia the flight path of the helicopter gave them.
I would guess your poor results were mostly a function of low forward speed, and I'd be surprised if you could ever get good dive bombing results with a helicopter. In a fixed-wing aircraft you'd probably going at least twice as fast as you were here. I think it's all about momentum overcoming the drag and weight of the bombs. Nice experiment, though!
Hi Greg!
You are right, the maximum forward speed you can get with this bird is around 300 km/h. Anything above that speed the bird feels apart. Also, I tend to fly like an old lady :)
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