- I have an un-opened copy of IL-2: 1946 (birthday present).
My initial forays into commanding British forces have been a disaster. This is one of the things I like from ProSim war games: if you are lousy, they really punish you hard.
I want to try out the weapons delivery tactics I wrote about a few days ago. Yep, I have been delivering advice without trying it beforehand. Writing is cheap, folks.
The copy I ordered from NWS Online Gaming Store it's in the mail right now. No rush here, even if a copy of ArmA2 would drop from the sky right into my hands at this precise moment, I wouldn't have had the time to install it anyway.
This one I promised to get back into when my disappointment over the suicidal computer-controlled soldiers washes off. To put me in the mood, a couple of days ago I visited the official Battlefront forums to see what's up. It's business as usual over there, nobody would acknowledge there is a problem with the TacAI of this game. Only few people still make the majority of posts there: developers, beta-testers and those who want to be beta-testers.
- War gaming the break-out from Normandy during 1944.
So many games, so little time ...
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