10 Rules to Live by (Continued)Rule #2: Fire munitions from their maximum rangeThe farther you are from your target, the less possible it will detect and fire back at you.
Shkval view of an enemy tank engaged with an anti-tank missile from a distance of 1.7 km. At this distance, enemy tanks can shoot you down very easily.
Shkval view of an enemy tank engaged with an anti-tank missile from a distance of 5.3 km. At this distance, the enemy tanks will have a hard time detecting and firing at you.
Rule #3: Avoid the "Dead Man's Zone"The crest of hills are the worst places to be hovering or flying. Remember to use terrain to mask your helicopter. Fly around hills, not over them.
(Click on the image for an expanded view)
(Click on the image for an expanded view)Cheers,
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