Saturday, May 16, 2009

DCS Black Shark: Tactics Primer (Part 2)

10 Rules to Live By

All forms of combat require an agile mind able to adapt to the continuously changing challenges of the battlefield. In tactical combat, there are never absolute truths or optimal solutions and speaking of "rules" sounds like out of place. The "rules" discussed here are actually guides that are valid in most situations. Take these "rules" as a framework to think about your own solutions to the tactical challenges you will face.

Rule #1: Never fly over the objective

... or over any area in which you know or suspect there are enemy troops. Remember, under your aircraft is one of the places where you cannot see or aim your weapons.

(Click on the image for an expanded view). During un-guided rocket runs is when most of virtual pilots make the mistake of over-flying the objective.

(Click on the image for an expanded view)

(Click on the image for an expanded view). An ideal un-guided rocket run.

(Click on the image for an expanded view)


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