Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Steel Beasts ProPE - Complex Insurgent Ambush - Briefing

They say that ambushed forces should immediately aim to fight through an ambush. What about the QRF sent in relief of them?

A squad of engineers has been hit by an IED. A MRAP can be seen in the background, attempting to cross and support/extract the US soldiers.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Battle of Albuera - War Gaming Notes - Episode 1

With the release of John Tiller's Software "Bonaparte's Peninsular War", I thought of revisiting the virtual battlefield that I barely fought from the "Peninsular War Mod" for HistWar Les Grognards.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Iron Front Liberation 1944 - Taking German Halftracks Into Contact

My standard practice was to dismount my panzergrenadiers as soon as contact was established. But I may have been dilapidating my maneuver capital.

Today's custom-made scenario: the enemy holds a tiny bridgehead on our side of the river. Near a pontoon bridge, an immobilized enemy tank plus two squads of Soviet infantry hold for dear life, reinforcements across the river due very shortly. Ourselves, a German panzergreneadier squad plus a Pak 40 AT gun, towed and carried by two halftracks.

Friday, November 7, 2014

ArmA 3 - Helicopters

The ArmA 3 Helicopters DLC has come out and new opportunities for tactical mischief coming from the skies are waiting for you.

The cockpit of the CH-67 Huron, a double rotor transport helicopter.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Vehicle Pack

This one got released a few days back. The "Vehicle Pack" DLC features a collection of not-so frequent vehicles, tanks, bunkers and infantry flame throwers.

Vehicle Pack at Battlefront link

After a hiccup with the DRM, which was promptly solved by Battlefront's help desk (on a Saturday!) I took two of the "Hobart's Funnies" and went into a custom-made battle. You know me, engineers and cavalry fascinate me.

Check the video inside!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Combat Mission Red Thunder - Command and Control

I've seen my share of computer opponents just shuffling squads around the map without any consideration of who is commanding them. Even when we play at the "iron" level of complexity.

This short blog entry is about the nuisances of command and control in Combat Mission.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Panzer Campaigns- Smolensk '41 for Android and Kindle

Just released from John Tiller Software. The iOS version is to follow soon.

Define "Released" - IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad

A few days back, the release of IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad was announced.

Armor Battles Around Naftchah - Graviteam Tactics Shield of the Prophet - Day 1, Afternoon and Early Evening

This is an AAR of the first day of battle between the Soviet Union and Iran, which in a fictional setting are fighting for control over Afghanistan.

A Soviet T-55A of the 24th Guards Tank Regiment, has its crew working on a hull-down position.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

ArmA 3 - The Implicit Value of Movement

J. F. C. Fuller's three essentials in fighting, move, strike and protect, seemingly can't be executed at the same time. An army moving can't strike before being deployed and is more vulnerable to be struck because its defenses are not prepared.

This is single player game play from a custom-made mission in ArmA 3. A squad of regular, light infantry (my command) has to clear OBJ Snake, a rebel-held observation post. Two other squads and a light reconnaissance vehicle are in support.