Saturday, May 19, 2012

Short Stories from Small Wars I - LockOn Flamming Cliffs 2 - Georgian Su-25s Attack Russian "Peacekeepers" in Abkhazia - Briefing

The Georgian ground forces can't bear the pressure from the Abkhazian irregulars at the Kodori Gorge. The Georgian withdrawal is due east and has come to an unexpected obstacle.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In Memory of PFC Michael Metcalf - An ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead Video

This video created and edited by BO from one of the team vs team (no AI) matches he hosts along with active duty members.

Rest in peace Mike ...


Game vs Book I - Kampfgruppe Peiper and the Bridges at Stavelot and Trois Ponts - Part Two

Continued from a previous entry ...

On to Stavelot, then. Before reading the book, I was all for smashing the whole 3rd Bn., 2 SS PzRegt. (highlighted in the screenshot above) against the bridge at Stavelot. During the real battle, Peiper chose a force with more punch.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Game vs Book I - Kampfgruppe Peiper and the Bridges at Stavelot and Trois Ponts - Part One

The book: Kampfgruppe Peiper at the Battle of the Bulge, by David Cooke and Wayne Evans (Stackpole Military History Series)
The game: Command Ops Battles from the Bulge (Panther Games, published by Matrix Games)

I will start this Game vs Book series small and easy, folks. Here is the situation: It is now December 18th 1944 and the Germans drive their armor through the Ardennes for a second time in five years. Kampfgruppe Peiper is the spearhead of the 1st SS Pz. Div. and the immediate mission is to cross the Meuse river. The road ahead is not exactly tank country, as seen in the map below.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear! (Matrix Games) - Released

I just got word that the game has just been released by Matrix.

Set in the Eastern Front during WWII, this is computer port of a very
successful boardgame. It looks good and I am reading very good
impressions from the first buyers.!

Looking forward to get home and fire up this thing.


(Posted from my tablet)

Iron Front Liberation 1944 - Preview at

Holy! This is WWII Eastern Front, with the ArmA2 engine!

A great preview at, with plenty of screenshots. Don't you dare to miss it! :)


Game vs Book - How "Historical" War Gaming Can Be?

A few years back when I had the time to play by e-mail, one of my regular opponents almost completely dismissed a title of a well-known, thoroughly researched series of World War II games because the order of battle was "way off". I'm not talking a whole brigade missing, just the number of tanks in a couple of regiments in an scenario that spans a whole Soviet Front. Yeah, I can't blame the guy for not knowing his military history ... Eventually I talked him back into the game, but his passion for historic authenticity was hard not to notice.

The flow of any real battle seems to be dependent on many uncontrollable variables interacting in a capricious way. There is some sort of a "butterfly effect" in the way real battles unfold. In a parallel universe, where the telephone cable of the 5th Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Regiment of the Chasseurs Ardennais didn't break during the morning of 10th May 1940, would the 1st Panzer Division bet stopped cold on its tracks? Would the invasion of France fail in this parallel universe?

Teasers for the mind but fear not, I have no intention of getting into academics or esoterism!

This entry is just to introduce a series about historical war gaming. The premise is simple: grab a book where the level of tactical/operational detail is good enough to get a real life plan, apply it into a war game, and see how it goes from there. Outcomes, deviations from the real life battle, challenges that are not obvious or mentioned in the book ... How historical the war game gets and remains during gameplay? Many of you do this all the time and in that case I wish you can get and supply suggestions about good books to enhance your "historical war gaming".

So, stay tuned for the first entry of the series. Hint provided below.

Command Ops Battles from the Bulge VS KG Peiper at the Battle of the Bulge

Friday, May 4, 2012

Scourge of War Antietam - Burnside's Bridge - Part 2

"Fight the enemy with the weapons he lacks."  Field Marshal Prince Aleksandr Suvorov

This a continuation of a previous entry.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Scourge of War Antietam - Burnside's Bridge - Part 1

So blessed by a position  favorable for the defense yet so cursed by such a shortage of men and guns.

The game is Scourge of War, with the Antietam DLC. This 3D tactical war game is certainly unique and recently it has been adopted by the United States Army College for Senior Officer Training.

This scenario is about the action at the so-called "Burnside Bridge" during the American Civil War's Battle of Antietam (by that time the bridge was named the "Rohrbach Bridge").

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - What I Envy of Mainstream Shooters: Moving Around

Distractions as of late: playing CoD MW2 private matches with my son and getting my rear end kicked by him every time.