Monday, January 11, 2010

L3 Link's Advanced Helmet Mounted Display

Simulation technology advances at an astonishing pace.

A short time ago L3-Link nailed a contract with the USAF to provide their "Advanced Helmet Mounted Display" gadget so it can be used to train F-16 pilots.

In a nutshell, this is an integrated helmet-mounted projector/transparent display that tracks the trainee's head position and projects the corresponding simulated environment image into a couple of specially designed semi-transparent glasses. Each of these display glasses can display at resolutions of 1280-by-1024 pixels, providing a continuous field of view of 100 degrees (horizontal) by 50 degrees (vertical). Combine that with head-motion sensing and you get 360 degrees coverage without using a single flat-panel display!

Please check out more details at L3-Link Simulation and Training.

Image is a courtesy of "L-3 Link Simulation & Training". Reproduced here with their permission.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wargaming the Urban Fight

I was watching "The Fight for Fallujah" (Military Channel stuff included in this DVD) and after seeing the real footage of the combat during Operation Phantom Fury (screenshot at the left) I am once again floored at the complexity of the urban terrain. Not that I didn't know it was complex, ...

Awesome F-16 3D cockpit

Since the old Falcon 4 days, I've always wondered how the real F-16 would fly. Falcon 4, despite all its accurate avionics and weapon systems delivery always felt like I was flying "on rails". Browsing other stuff at a store yesterday I stomped into "F-16 Fighting Falcon", an add-on for Flight Simulator X made by Aerosoft. The box claimed "Accurate Fly-by-Wire flight model", so I couldn't resist.

I was really surprised by the quality of this add-on. The 3D cockpit is just fantastic and I made the video above to show it to you. Even the multi-function displays (MFDs) work! Off course the stuff shown in these is not exactly what you can see in Falcon 4, but these guys made an effort to model even some sort of radar capability in there. Very nice ...

Gah! I'm becoming an eye candy guy ...

I'll explore the flight model at a later time. :)


Friday, January 8, 2010

A US Marines "Infantry" Squad, Part 2

This entry is a continuation from a previous one.

As you may remember, I wanted to find out what all the buzz about "infantry" squads was about by experimenting with ArmA 2.

So, I assembled a US Marine "infantry" squad as described by Capt. Sprincin in the Marine Corps Gazette article and lined them up under my command ...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Red Pill", First Screenshots!

"Red Pill" is a naval-air war game currently in development by a team of very talented enthusiasts. The details of the game are scarce but think "Harpoon on steroids". Today they made public the first screenshots of the game. Read the full story and see all the screenshots at  Looking good!
EDIT: Image above courtesy of

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Book and Game: "Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge" and "Kampfgruppe Peiper at the Battle of the Bulge"

If you are seeing this post through dial-up, I apologize beforehand for the sheer size of the images in this entry (yet I encourage you to click them for a better view). I just wanted to show  you the quality of the work you will enjoy when this war game comes out (very soon!). The screenshot is from the "Peiper's Race to the Meuse" scenario ...

Now watching: "Dogfights", the complete series on DVD

Got this DVD collection from the wife for Christmas. Great show. I just saw "MIG Alley", the first episode. I linked you to the first part of this episode in Youtube. If you go there, you will find the whole episode.


A US Marines "Infantry" Squad, Part 1

 "Every Marine a rifleman", they say. However the lack of organic crew served weapons at the platoon and squad levels has not escaped many savvy Marines who are pushing for adding more organic firepower into the US Marines Squads and Platoons.

In this entry, a US Marine "infantry" squad as seen through ArmA 2 ...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do You Have What It Takes to Command a Whole Corps?

Although I never declared myself a fan of this simulation, I keep coming back to it at least twice a month.So many things to learn from it ...