great game and a
fantastic book sail together in a fine Sunday afternoon.
New Contact! An intelligence gathering mission by a us Sturgeon class SSN, 130 nm off the coast of the Kola peninsula. |
The mission is to track Soviet SSNs returning to the Severomorsk naval base. In the book I linked above, you will find the details of such type of missions. These included recording the passive sonar signatures, which I'm sure is likely doable with some .lua scripting.
Rules of engagement. We are not at war so we are not going to fire at those Soviet submarines. |
Closing in at flank speed. At 30 knots, the sound of my own submarine masks a lot of the passive sonar contacts. The Soviet contact is lost (6 minutes 45 seconds refers to the time of the last contact, the last known position is also plotted). |
The highest speed at which contact is not broke is 22 knots. The estimated position is still lousy and we don't have an ID on the tracked target yet. |
With a lot of care, I was able to maneuver my sub (blue icon) very close to the SovietSSN (red icon). It turned out to be a Victor type. Note the scale at the bottom right of the screen. That's pretty close. The closest I could get was 200 meters. |
This is from the testing of a single player scenario I am editing. I wish I would know how to script a score based in the time that I am nearby the Victor class Soviet submarine, mimicking recording a passive sonar signature ...
Hey JC :)
How about anchoring a set of refpoints around the Victor and then creating a "unit remains in area" trigger using this area?
Hi Dimitris,
Awesome! :) Will do. Now that you are here: can you accumulate victory points based on the time that the trigger is active?
Yes, you can set the event to be repeatable. So award 100 points if it stays in the area for 5 mins, another 100 points faor another 5 mins after that etc.
One other neat option is to form two concentric circle areas around the Victor and award more points for the inner area. So now the player must choose between getting really close and accumulating points faster (better recording!), and gambling seriously with counter-detection, or playing it safe and keeping more distance.
Brilliant! Thanks Dimitris. Looking forward for NI. :)
I wish I could be excited for NI, but since Slitherine is involved, I fear this "expansion", which is really nothing more than 15 new scenarios for those of us that already owns Command, will be horribly overpriced. There are already dozens of free community made scenarios avaiable for free.
I should have written Matrix/Slitherine, I didn't mean to point out just Slitherine specifically.
That's OK :) I'm sure JC is pickled at the prospect of yet another kick-ass update (http://www.warfaresims.com/?p=3918) provided for free, together with an optional-purchase campaign pack with a comprehensive storyline (http://www.warfaresims.com/?p=4000). We're very excited about v1.09/NI and we know many people are likewise :)
I'm looking forward to the update too, the team has done an awesome job of updating/fixing Command since the release. I'm just a bit worried that the campaign will be overpriced. If so, I guess there's always Steam Sales to look forward to.
Will this scenario be made available for download?
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