A mouthful to pronounce, a maddening interface, a users' manual that reads like the notes from the deathbed of a delirious warrior. Yet, the genius combination of turn and continuous time based game play, the un-compromised foundations of scale and tactics and the universal language of a good damn shootout it's what keeps me getting back to Graviteam's portfolio.
Zhalanashkol 1969 is an expansion for Graviteam Tactics Operation Star. It features a border incident between China and the Soviet Union. The scale of the incident is so small an intimate (rarely a full company of soldiers is engaged at the time) that for the first time I know the names of the men under my command.
Can you walk the walk? A few kilometers wide doesn't feel small when they are shooting at you and the terrain is open. |
Russian light armor train their guns on distant targets coming down from the heights at the Chinese border. |
Russians packing up after the fire from the mountains peaks up. |
The numerous folds of hills and escarpments make this area of the border a patrol nightmare. |
If it wouldn't be for the alternating shouts in Chinese and Russian, I would swear this is the Malvinas/Falklands Islands. |
The command and control nuances of this game will make you think twice about sweeping maneuvers. |
This is the hardest if you play as chinese, you can beat so many armor and inf with the rpg no matter how rugged is the terrain.
I really like this game and stuck at it because there is light at the end of the tunnell. Had some fantastic battles and once the UI is learnt there is a lot of fun here. Would love to see some more of this if your planning on playing it.
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