If you have the beta and are subscribed to the development branch, you should have gotten a new island to play. Altis, the biggest official map/island of the series ...
Packing a lot of real estate to fight over, Altis is as beautiful as big. I booted my computer a few minutes ago with the firm intention of ignoring it but it was just too hard to resist. Please come in and see some screenshots ...
The sheer size of this island will accommodate the wildest tactical parties. Note the land in the distant horizon ... War is coming to this place! |
The east portion of the island features some expansive chunks of flat terrain. Villages are well laid out. |
Another view of the eastern part of the island. Some hills that dominate the surrounding flat terrain will be fighting hot spots. |
A town at the foot of a hill on the eastern part of Altis. |
Windmills overlooking the eastern coast of Altis. |
Some advanced gadgets like this solar power plant. The illumination effects of the new engine are fantastic. |
This hill caught my eye because it looks like something taken from my hometown in Cordoba, Argentina. |
Near the eastern shore of Altis there is a salt/dry lake. In the mid background, Lt. Narcissus is checking his tan. |
The western portion of Altis is more hilly, although the valleys are less deep than in Stratis. |
Valleys in the western portion of Altis are also wider, with plenty of towns, villages and green areas. |
The western shore of Altis is very scenic. It is a shame to wage a war here, gentlemen. :) |
The main city of the island is on the western shore. It is massive. In this image, a FO is directing some indirect fire missions on the southern approach to the city. |
The transition from rough to urban terrain is very interesting. |
Wow - looking forward to this!
WOW that is one beautiful island. I think that part of the victory conditions for the attacker or defender of that island must be the preservation as much as is possible of the islands towns and woodlands.
its a bugger I have to choose between this and Rome 2... though I guess that BI will once again release of this as a free version in the future at least I hope they will.
anyway this place looks increadible! and I am sure it will be very fun to fight over.
I only played the demo of Arma2... any idea how much of what you see in Arma3 is "destroyable"?
Not much, only some buildings. And I believe that heavier weapons might leave a small crater/impact mark. You can also knock over walls, fences and trees with tanks and other vehicles.
Nice looking southern part of Europe.
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