Friday, April 24, 2015

Comms Restored

Yet again, and of all things, the blog has been the target of repeated hacking attempts.So I contacted Google and they suggested me to close the comment section until they figure out what was all about.
I think it's sorted out now.
I know I am not the most talkative and responsive blogger out there but I appreciate your input. 
Keep your comments coming!

Monday, April 20, 2015

ArmA 3 - Sniper Shots Downhill

Now with the weapons resting in the Marksman DLC for ArmA 3 out I feel comfortable for some sniper training.

I used to call this screenshot "The Luckiest CSAT SoB Ever". The purple line is the trajectory of my bullet fired from a hill some 1,200 meters away and I thought that this guy just got lucky I didn't blow up his head. Lucky and all, it turns out that my marksmanship was the problem.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Command Ops 2 - Economy of Force

According to the principle of force, a minimal of the total combat power should be applied to secondary efforts. To the "All American" (82nd Airborne Division) of the 1st Battalion/504 Regiment, it was hard to see themselves as part of a secondary effort. And ever harder to see their combat mighty as minimal.

The first hours of this Command Ops 2 scenario. The green, light blue and grey icons represent US, Luftwaffe and German Army units.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Shadows of Synneforos - ArmA 3 - AAR

We moved through low terrain, trying to stay away from open areas like the one shown to my left in this picture.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Shadows of Synneforos - ArmA 3 - Briefing

For weeks we have operated from the high ground near Mt. Synneforos. In this area of operations, the invader found his patrols both increasingly inadequate in effectiveness and expensive in attrition. We fed from the neighboring villages, camped in the hills and moved, sometimes with borderline infamy against standard guerrilla tactics. We sabotaged, ambushed, stalked, sniped and thrived in waging assymetric war.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Scourge of War - Fox's Gap, AAR

This is from one of the two Fox's Gap scenarios in Scourge of War (Antietam expansion). This game has one of the best AIs in the market and is a hall of fame tactical war game. The setting is the American Civil War and the real life battle was fought just a couple of dozen miles from where I live.

The Confederate forces I command are sitting pretty on the summit of Fox's Gap. The high ground and the stone fences in front of us are seemingly a formidable defensible line (blue). Unfortunately, the Union forces outnumber us and start their push (red arrows) onto just my most weak right flank. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Steel Beasts ProPE - Keeping the Screen Up - Part 2 of 2

The infantry out, commander and gunners' eyeballs stabbing the CV 90's sights. A battle position against enemy tanks is not simply occupied by infantry fighting vehicles. It is embraced and cared for as a limb. It is, after all, the last sight you may have of earth.

Battle position. The infantry in front is manning machine guns and Javelin missiles. The enemy vehicles were already arriving at a choking point in the background. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Steel Beasts ProPE - Keeping the Screen Up - Part 1 of 2

When I watch at that enemy T-90 in the middle of their main reinforcement route, immobile but with a very alive main gun, even the clamor of the dead around me stop. The subjectivity in the principle of economy of force always is too often thrown as a shroud over tactical mistakes, even blunder. I sit tight in my CV 90/30 and mull over what has just happened.

The will to fight of my panssarijääkäri was never as tight as during the last 12 hours. A screen mission that lasted more than 12 hours has put us in the spotlight when the Russians started what it looked like a turning movement around our position.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Combat Mission: From Pinned to Berserk with the Evade Command

This British infantry section should have used some scouting. But shoot happens and now they have blundered through the field of fire of a German HMG.

The German HMG (grey icon in the background) opens up mercilessly. My British infantry section, moving from left to right,  gets pinned immediately.