Friday, June 12, 2015

Scourge of War: Waterloo - Preview

I move my Army cautiously, with multiple Cavalry units on front and flanks of the main body. In good order, I enter my Army in Brussels a few hours into daylight. At midmorning, a Prussian infantry brigade has dared to push back one of my reconnaissance patrols near the town of Hal. At 13:20 I make the fateful decision to move out my Army from Brussels towards the latest contact. A full enemy Corps is moving our way, I heard. I am Napoleon, and I am about to claim the day.

Scenes of extreme carnage south of Brussels. Wherever you look at there is a regiment either engaged or about to be engaged in battle.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Scourge of War Waterloo - Released

So much fun, quality, innovative features and eye candy that it will be really hard to pull myself out of just enjoying it.

More details tonight!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Command Modern Air and Naval Operations - Missile Chess

It is awesome when a combat simulation mirrors the shortcomings and challenges of real warfare. This blog is just about that, by the way. 

Anyway, this weekend I got some quality time with Command Modern Air and Naval Operations (CMANO) and played my first scenario involving a modern carrier battle group.

This Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier battle group is more than a sideline show for the Operation Brass Drum scenario.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

ArmA 3 - Attack on a Prepared Position - Briefing

What does the suppression feature do on enemy MGs in bunkers?

In this solo mission the player goes through a prepared enemy (ENY) position that has MGs in bunkers. The ENY MGunners can't go prone or crouch (I've set them to not do that) and I have AI NATO MGs firing on them. Some NATO mortars are firing on them too. It doesn't escape to me that my use of the "prepared" term is not strict, but if you have read about the Malvinas/Falklands War you will understand that mounting a decent defense in an island is not a trivial matter.

The ENY position is in that hill upfront. Note the mortar fire falling on it. The tracers are from NATO MGs, which are targeting the ENY bunkers.

Monday, June 1, 2015

DCS: Mig-15bis - My First Kill

With Eagle Dynamics holding a store wide sale right now, the time is auspicious to dust off one story I had in the file cabinet.

The cockpit of my Mig-15bis. What a beauty.
A true combat aviation classic has found a virtual home in DCS World. Made by third party company Belsimtek, the digital bird has very few buttons not implemented. With great flight, avionics and weapons models, the hard earned kills you get flying the Mig are to be savored over and over. Thanks for the track recording feature, Eagle Dynamics!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Combat Mission Black Sea - The Unfair Death of PFC Roller and The Predictable Demise of Most of His Squad

SPOILER ALERT: these two micro-stories are from a canned CMBS scenario. I will not mention the name of the scenario and avoid birds-eye views of the battlefield, but I recognize that you may realize which scenario is this from.

This scenario is an encounter of Stryker-based US infantry against a mixed Russian force that includes armor. The main, maybe only antitank asset of the US is Javelin missiles. So, early on, I am forced to command my US forces to split the squads in two teams (AT team and infantry). In this screenshot, the the infantry of 3rd Squad is occupying a way forward combat patrol when it comes into contact with a Russian APC (to the right).

Arma 3 Now Has Built In AI Suppression

There were and there are third party mods for AI suppression. From the videos that I've seen, one could argue that those work better than the new Arma 3 built in suppression features. But I am happy to see all these goodies slowly creeping into plain vanilla Arma 3.

In this very simple custom, single player setup I am about to make contact with an enemy rifleman.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Some Random Airsoft Video Clips

From our latest foray into "pew-pew" combat in northern MD. Starring: my 12 years old kiddo.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thinking of Becoming a Paratrooper? - Combat Mission Market Garden AAR

... You better be a gifted tactician because firepower may not be an asset you can count for most of the battles.

Men from the 1st Platoon, B Company, 504 Parachute Infantry Regiment move towards the Heumen Bridge.
Excellent stock scenario from Combat Mission Market Garden module. This scenario is about the fight of B Company around the Heumen Bridge. By the way, I wrote a Command Ops blog entry about this Regiment a few weeks back.