Sunday, March 30, 2014

ArmA 3 - The Correct Care and Treatment of Your Combat Engineer

The last mission I published at the Steam Workshop got 19 downloads and zero comments, strongly suggesting that I cease and desist about scenario-making. :) Long time readers of the blog Marko and Doug were the only ones I heard back about the previous mission.

This week I am not even able to upload a screenshot to the Steam Workshop. Is somebody trying to tell me something? So this mission is going to be a more private release. :) UPDATE: I finally managed to upload the mission to the Steam Workshop. Link is provided within the blog entry.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Steel Beasts ProPE 3 - Just Drive Down That Road Until You Get Blown Up

Reconnaissance. The redheaded stepchild of war gaming and combat simulations. Misunderstood, unappreciated and just plainly ignored sometimes ... Real war may have less fog than in many scenarios we play here and there. Thanks to the efforts of the scouts.

I understand the lack of gaming enthusiasm about the topic. If you are playing as the Soviets and shooting during a pure reconnaissance mission, most of the times is because you screwed up. And on top of that you are moving at a snail pace ... Unless you are in a particular part of the reconnaissance mission!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Simulating Reconnaissance Operations in ArmA 3

The ArmA engine is one of the best for simulating small unit dismounted operations. In this new single player scenario that I recently posted at Steam, I explore how to simulate an area recon mission by a squad of NATO scouts.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Steel Beasts ProPE 3 - Bringing Up Guns to Engagement Areas

While testing my new mission, somebody mentioned that in real life platoon commanders give their sections orders to be executed based on specific conditions being met. The rationale is that when the fight starts, communications get very intense and is not infrequent to not be able to issue orders because of all the radio traffic and general confusion.

My mission has been described as "an unruly mess of useless engagement areas". It nonetheless turned out to be quite an ice breaker to get talking.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

ArmA 3 - An Easy Way to Get the Enemy AI to Shoot Mortars at You

Well, at this pace it looks like we will get five variants of a falafel food truck before we get the CSAT AI to use its indirect fire support without some sort of scripting ...

I'm sure there are many scripts out there to have the enemy AI to shoot a mortar shell at you. But I always prefer something very simple and maintenance free.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Steel Beasts ProPE 3 - IFVs Supporting Infantry, and Vice Versa

Steel Beasts ProPE 3 has been updated to version 3.011. The full list of changes is still being written. I've noticed a nice improvement in graphics (they look sharper and with a more realistic lighting, but it could be just placebo).

I have quite a backlog of Steel Beasts ProPE scenarios to play. This one is a pretty simple, fictional cold war-ish type of scenario. A mechanized infantry platoon is moving to contact. A meeting engagement is developing and my task is to secure a small German village. Enemy reconnaissance or the lead elements of a forward detachment are likely.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Panzer Battles Kursk, The Southern Flank - AAR

The release of the first Panzer Battles title is just hours away. I am pleased to present an AAR to show the game play and "feel of battle" of Panzer Battles Kursk, The Southern Flank. You are cordially invited to share my command post during this mission.

A zoomed out view of this scenario's map. My forces are the only icons visible.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Panzer Battles Kursk, The Southern Flank - Preview

The release of the first game using John Tiller's brand new Panzer Battles war game engine is imminent. Take a quick look at the most salient features of this new war game, some of the game content included and off course a selection of screenshots.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lock 'n Load Heroes of Stalingrad - Gameplay Notes (2 of 3) - We Could Be Heroes, Just For One Turn

The southern flank in shambles, two full squads shaken. I tried to regain the tactical initiative at the opposite side of the battle. Not an easy task, my men told me, as enemy guns shoot over our heads.

Lt. Plassmann and his men just came out from cover (the hex highlighted purple) and bumped into an hex of prepared positions. The Russians were dug in and hidden from view (fog of war). The game rules specify that enemy units in an adjacent hex to a friendly one are automatically spotted.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

DCS UH-1H Huey - Landing, Almost the Way is Supposed to be Done

In my previous landing video of almost one year ago, I showed that I was able to land the Huey safely. My landing approach, though was too shallow. In this new video, I am trying to do it the way it is supposed to be: the slope should be 30 degrees or so. I don't think I have achieved the 30s but at least I am in the 20s or so.

The YouTube version is in high definition, just in case you want to check the airspeed and rate of descent gauges.

Surprisingly, a 1,000 ft/min descent rate didn't kill me and was easy to get out from. The most useful muscle memory from this training: collective up, cyclic forward at the same time.
