Saturday, September 8, 2012

Combat Mission Shock Force NATO - A Canadian LAVIII Infantry Platoon in a Hasty Attack - AAR (Part 2 of 2)

The final part of the AAR: the assault into the village.

The 2nd and 3rd Sections start the assault on the village.
SPOILER ALERT: This scenario is going live at the Battlefront's repository within the next 48 hours. If you are going to download and play this scenario, this AAR may spoil your playing experience.

Combat Mission Shock Force NATO - A Canadian LAVIII Infantry Platoon in a Hasty Attack - AAR (Part 1 of 2)

The transition from a presence patrol into a hasty attack demanded too much idle time, burnt metal and blood from this Canadian platoon.

SPOILER ALERT: This scenario is going live at the Battlefront's repository within the next 48 hours. If you are going to download and play this scenario, this AAR may spoil your playing experience.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Combat Mission Fortress Italy - North of Gela Map and Scenario

Does anybody have a good 1940s map or aerial reconnaissance photos of the town of Gela (Sicily) that can be used for map-making in Combat Mission?

I started with this narrow street ...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Combat Mission Shock Force NATO - Canadian LAVIIIs in a Presence Patrol

Light armored vehicles ... How much controversy around their use in battle! I don't see the Canadian Army shying away from it in the foreseeable future, though.

This custom-made scenario starts with a platoon of Canadian Army soldiers on their way to a presence patrol in an insurgency theater of operations. It is very well known that the civilian population sometimes doesn't appreciate or are less cooperative when armored vehicles are marauding in their streets. So in this case the platoon has dismounted and left their LAVIIIs in a so-called satellite patrol, hundreds of meters behind them.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Iron Front Liberation 44 - AAR - A Pak 40 Platoon (-) Protects the Flank of an Armored Counterattack - Mission Debrief

The almost Lanchesterian precision of armored warfare in open terrain is sometimes uncanny. Marching into battle with two antitank guns against an unknown number of enemy tanks was not a choice but a necessity.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Game Vs Book II - The Polish-Soviet War 1919-1920 - Part Three

The virtual war was marred by bad leadership, awful logistics and other assorted operational diseases that almost killed many of the real life armies.

In this entry, my hard won victory against the Polish Army.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Landing the C-130: Almost Decent Now - Video Included!

I've mentioned before that I want to perform a tactical landing in the C-130 in the civilian flight simulator X-Plane 10. A quick reality check took me back into the drawing board: how to avoid the huge tendency of the C-130 to yaw during my flights.

Flying over Lake Ontario. In my flight from Andrews AFB (MD)  to Niagara Falls International Airport (NY), I strayed a bit too far north, almost reaching Canada.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Iron Front Liberation 44 - AAR - A Pak 40 Platoon (-) Protects the Flank of an Armored Counterattack - Mission Briefing

A custom made scenario to try out the pros and cons of the use of AT guns in support of offensive tactical missions. I am in command of an AT gun platoon (-), at the minimal strength allowed by German WWII doctrine (2 guns).

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Combat Mission Fortress Italy - Map Making with Google Maps

The pillbox array shown below was hard to resist and I immersed myself into map making in Combat Mission Fortress Italy.

Pillbox defenses east of Licata. Way east, I must add. Pardon the black bar in the bottom, it's my tablet's.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Tactical Leader's Trait 1: Vision (Part 2 of 2)

I've just eliminated a serious threat to my Marine's advance, and I just understood my role as a fire team leader a bit more.