Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Naval War Arctic Circle - Preview - Part 2

With the release just a few hours from now, the final part of my preview.

As I mentioned in the previous entry, the similarities with Fleet Command are there in the form of the tactical map and the 3D world view. Many years have passed and off course the interface of Naval War Arctic Circle  (NWAC) takes advantage of present day coding languages, with a plethora of windows, clickeable info boxes and tool tips. Does mainstream-lining get in the way of a satisfying naval war gaming experience?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Take On Helicopters Hinds - Retaking Comms Ridge

The insurgents are creeping towards our positions. We neglected the highest point in our area of operations, the one that holds a communications hub.

The game: Take On Helicopters, Hinds DLC (a helicopter sim-lite based in the ArmA 2 engine)
The mission: insert a fire team of Russian on the ridge and re-take the installation from the insurgents. Avoid collateral damage to the satellite antennas.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Naval War Arctic Circle - Preview - Part 1

Naval War Arctic Circle, a game from Turbo Tape Games to be published by Paradox, is set for release one week from now.

I had the chance to play the beta version (V 0.8.0) and, full disclosure, I have to confess I was expecting far more less from this upcoming release. Yes, I have been burned by marketing before and that sequence of one of the promotional videos showing an Abrams MBT parked in the deck of an aircraft carrier didn't impress me too well. Don't judge a war game by it's promotional videos, I guess ...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Command - Interviewed by PC4WAR magazine

A very detailed interview with lots of screenshots. Get it here!

Can't wait for this simulation ...


Monday, April 2, 2012

Combat Mission Battles for Normandy Commonwealth Forces - What's a Good Infantry Tank Anyway? - Intro and First Shots

The game: as per the title of the entry
The scenario: Buron - The Main Event
The question: Infantry Tank? What for?

Spoiler Alert! Do not read if you are still to play the scenario!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

DCS Black Shark 2 - Thunder Run, Russian Style - Debrief

Armor doesn't do well in built up areas, neither do attack helicopters.

The hazards many, the enemy disorganized and our luck immense. Not sure for how long things will stay the same.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pet Peeve of the Week: Rubble in Red Orchestra 2

Have you ever stepped in a real pile of rubble? Freshly made rubble, crafted by a demolition, bomb, earthquake, tornado or Godzilla. If not, let me tell you it makes moving around very difficult. It will bruise your lower legs, twist your ankles and won't let focus on anything else but your next step out of fear of being impaled in a rusted broken iron pipe.

Friday, March 23, 2012

VRS's Superbug - The Bug is Dead, Long Live the Superbug

I've been down with a bug (the viral, DNA-based one that puts you down in bed for days) for almost a week. Today I am finally up from that one and I decided to not strain the brain with anything brainy so I fired up MS Flight Simulator X and got a couple of flights on VRS's Superbug.

Not a good idea for a severe cold hangover. :) This add-on for Flight Simulator is highly detailed and took me quite a while to put my flying act together.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

GrogHeads.com - Wargaming Site and Community

Awesome idea and awesome people running this new (not that new, it launched at the beginning of 2012) website and community.

Good stories and commentary are added very frequently for our reading pleasure.

Make sure to check out their forums, too!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

ArmA 2 - Dog Company Comes Into Contact

This video brought to you from the good men at Dog Company.

I loved the comms and the leaders continuously telling the team what to do and how to do it. It's not rare in online gaming to see leaders that assume you can read their minds.

By the time the firefight starts, the two teams got their hands full and couldn't support each other.

Kudos, Dog Company and keep up the good work! And thanks Desdinova for the heads up!
