Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jutland - The SMS Moltke Makes a Stand - Part 1

Due to heavy work load at my day job (end of quarter, yay!), I will be posting short and little these days. Looking forward for the weekend.

If you have the guns, you may as well use them ...

The game: Jutland (Storm Eagle Studios)
The (purely fictional) situation: the battle cruiser SMS Moltke, escorted by a demi-division of destroyers gets jumped by a Royal Navy scout force.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Panzer Command Ostfront - Who Killed Pak36?

It came to my attention that the Niemirow scenario I played a while ago was actually intended to be played by a human player as the Russians against the computer and not like I did as the Germans against the computer.

Trying to do it the right way now and ... Doh! What a tough nut to crack!

The town of Niemirow lies in the center of this map. Me commanding the Russians advance from the foreground. See main text for details.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

HPS Simulations Gets Serious About Download Versions, Keeps Promise About DRM-free Games

HPS Simulations already had one war game available as a download  (Ancient Warfare Greek Wars), but since June 3rd it has widened its downloadable offerings to:

  • Civil War Battles: Campaign Peninsula
  • Naval Campaigns: Jutland
  • Ancient Warfare: Punic Wars
  • Early American Wars: Campaign 1776
  • Aide De Camp 2

I've treated myself to Naval Campaigns Jutland and it's just great.

Naval Campaigns Jutland
You already know that I am not to worried about DRM schemes, but when there is none it feels really great. Just save the file and install it wherever and whenever you want. HPS Sims made a promise late last year about not spamming their games with DRM and it seems they kept it. Kudos.

Looking forward for more download content!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pride of Nations - AGEOD's Game Engine Goes for the World!

With the exceptions of World War One and maybe Napoleon's Campaigns, AGEOD has been doing pretty darn good with games sharply focused on wars that were limited to just one theater of operations during relatively short periods of time.

Pride of Nations breaks the mold with a massive grand-strategy/operational warfare game in which you can roam your armies and sail your fleets through the entire globe from 1850 to 1920.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Great Video by SchmolyWar

Watch our friend SchmolyWar in a PBEM match in the video below. This is just one of many, please go to YouTube for the next ones.

Great video! And you did great in this scenario SW! :)


ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead - Deltas on a Dismounted Special Reconnaissance Mission Get Compromised - Part 2 of 2

We are compromised and can't bug out from this.

If we run, the helicopter will mow us down with it's door machine guns. Making a stand in the farm is unlikely to succeed (how many approach routes can you cover with just 4 men?).

Friday, June 3, 2011

ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead - Deltas on a Dismounted Special Reconnaissance Mission Get Compromised - Part 1 of 2

The game: ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead
The situation: a US Special Forces fire team on a dismounted special reconnaissance mission is discovered by the Takistani Army.
The topic: do all hopeless tactical situations always require aggressive tactics?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Command" Developers Blow Up Virtual Targets, Blow Real Minds - YouTube Video Showcases Kick-Ass Level of Detail in Upcoming Air and Naval War Game

The guys developing the recently officially named "Command, Modern Air/Naval Operations" (previously know as the "Red Pill") war game have posted two videos in YouTube. I'm embedding here one video showing JDAMs falling on helpless targets in an airfield. Note the satellite imagery.

Make sure to go to the YouTube original entry to enjoy these two videos in HD.

This type of teasing is becoming borderline criminal. :)


Monday, May 30, 2011

Military Books in Digital Format - Color Me Underwhelmed ...

Got an Amazon Kindle and found the whole bruhaha about digital books a gross exaggeration ...

Click for an expanded view.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

IL2 Cliffs of Dover gets patched ... again

At least this time the patch was good enough to put me off tweaking and into flying. Performance of the flight sim is better, yet I had to give up completely visual goodies like shadows. Overall, right now IL2 CoD is not as bad as at the time it was released in Europe, yet it needs more work. I read somewhere that the developers are still working in the full screen mode.

Anyway, I took a Stuka on a quick mission. Couldn't find my target (a British land convoy). Returned to base with all the bombs in the racks. :(

The map, even when showing all icons, was not helpful. Doh!
