The fabulous Global Mobilization-Cold War Germany has been updated. New equipment, Flecktarn cammo, the G-36 gun and more! The new vehicles include the Schützenpanzer MARDER 1 AIFV.
Although this vehicle was available in at least one community mod, I never tried commanding one until the DLC update happened. So I did set up a very short mission (capture a bridge held by a mix of motorized/mechanized Soviet infantry) and I entered combat with my infantry and a Leopard tank providing overwatch.
The tiny turret of the Marder is great for hull down positions, but I feared a lucky shot from the enemy could knock down my cannon. Hell, I need that cannon to neutralize the enemy infantry. |
Instead of hull down trickery, I relied on my feet: I dismounted and went forward to see what was up at that bridge.
One BMP-1, center, and one T-55, top right. The Leopard has already fired two shells but its main gun went silent after that. It had probably taken the T-55 already. |
Proof of the demise of that enemy T-55 came from the fact that the tank didn't blew my Marder into oblivion while we maneuvered into position. The Milan ATGM I fired at it was just to be completely sure. |
Next in line, the BMP-1 at the bridge. Easy prey for my AP rounds from the autocannon. |
Then, to carefully take care of the enemy infantry. The thermal sights quality was far too good for an 80's scenario: it turns out that I did set up the scenario with an A2 variant. I should have used the A1. |
Command view: by this time my dismounts are leading because there is too much cover and concealment for enemy RPGs. |
After a couple of minor shootouts, the bridge was clear. |
The Marder is a prime example of a great IFV, I'm now moving into more complicated missions that will demand the correct doctrine.
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