Saturday, October 6, 2018

Arma 3 - US Marines Company Attack

A quick scenario featuring a US Marines company, devoid of support weapons and indirect fire support.

I tried a live stream last week on this very scenario and it was a disaster, it showed the wrong title, the quality was ugly ... Sorry about that.

So in the following video you will see the action. Don't expect anything cinematic. Like in any real life operation, the pace is slow and the enemy is barely visible.

I am currently reading The Marine Corps Way of War: The Evolution of the U.S. Marine Corps from Attrition to Maneuver Warfare in the Post-Vietnam Era, by Anthony Piscitelli and right off the bat the book mentions the importance of fires and maneuver in in pursuing the ultimate goal, the decisive assault.

Well, that's something I will have to practice because I pretty much shoveled aside the ENY with attacks by fire. The C2 mod helped me a lot to position my troops and maximize the fire volume. But pretty much everything was dealt from the distance without assaulting. Except for the final objective. That's where I had to split my fire teams.

Other thing I wanted to try out is the M27, the replacement for the SAW. Maybe in Arma 3 I just can't see the benefits of this weapon, but I was left underwhelmed.


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