Monday, July 6, 2015

A Couple of Changes to the Blog

After some thought, I have decided to remove the "reactions" to each individual blog entry.

As a device to keep tabs on what people likes or not, It served its purpose. I know I am on track with the blog's content and I really appreciate the pats in the back which came in the form of "give me more like this".

I also appreciate the well intended "please stop this nonsense". Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about those because the majority of readers didn't agree on those negative reactions. Some of those "unlikes" were not so nice, like the ones on a blog entry with a video of my son playing airsoft. But hey, a father can be biased watching his kiddo grow an appetite on all things military.

That's change number one.

Change number two is that given my current day job obligations, the content of the blog entries is being trimmed or divided in several parts. You already have seen that: AARs with just captioned screenshots, debriefs delivered in pieces, etc. Shorter entries are already in. Unless is a game review, like the upcoming review of Scourge of War Waterloo.

I hope you still stick around. And if not, it was really great to have you on the other side of screen.



  1. One of my favorite blogs JC. Keep the posts coming.

  2. Absolutely wouldn't miss a post. Keep up the great writing JC!

  3. Hey JC as a loyal supporter of the gaming work I have been doing, I say thank you. For all the other games you get to play that I have no time for, I also say thank you! I'm here for the duration...

  4. Still here! And devouring every single post.

  5. Hello JC,

    this is a great blog you have here, will certainly stick around and keep reading it! And as for the likes/dislikes, I've never seen more than a handful of votes given, out of the thousands of readers, so they were only showing the opinions of a very tiny minority anyway. And oh, the negative votes on your son's airsoft video were of course from people who have no interest in airsoft, and therefore don't want that sort of content, and had nothing to do with being "not so nice".

  6. I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep it up!

  7. excellent blog - as soon as I type in 'Real ..' into my browser address bar, your blog pops up, will keep looking

  8. Thanks for your comments and your support. It is great to have you around here.

    Let's get back into the games!


  9. You're not getting rid of me that easy! I'm (we're) just glad you have enough time to do what you do.

  10. I have enjoyed your post for years and plan on continuing to do so. Don't let haters get to you - they are everywhere. Just keep on doing what you're doing and we'll all be here waiting to see what you care to share.

  11. You have been one of my daily starters for several years. Keep up the good work!

  12. I've enjoyed your blog immensely and would not miss a post now or in the future. If you have to trim posts then you have to do it, all is good mate.


  13. Hi and thanks for the support. Nothing makes me more happy than you guys reading what I write.


  14. Excellent blog that I find myself trying to emulate often.

  15. Hi Ranger,
    Thanks for your comment. I also enjoy reading your blog!

