Sunday, November 16, 2014

Combat Mission Battle for Normandy - Armor Ambush

This is the by-product of an scenario editing failure. I wanted to create something to show the ambush of the lone British Sherman Firefly that killed a group of German Tigers commanded by Wittman during the battle for Normandy. Very challenging to recreate such an oddball. But not all is lost: had some fun testing the scenario and I made a video.

Check out the YouTube version for high definition.



  1. Fantastic vid, Chelco. Although something tells me Wittmann's Tigers might have shown a little more tactical savvy in real life...

    Can't praise the CMx2 games enough . Brilliant games.

  2. wow. those turrets traversing are painful to watch. haha! nice video! :)

  3. I am surprised that it took till the fifth Tiger to say fudge that and not stupidly drive straight into a kill zone like the other three did (once the first one was killed), but even then he just sat out in the open field and didn’t use any available concealment.
