Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Falcon BMS4 - Released

This was quite a surprise, even for those who were in the loop with the many mods for the original Falcon 4.0.

I jumped in because of the new flight model. From the manual:

Oh, and there‘s one more flight related thing we should mention. There is a completely new flight model that is we believe unprecedented in PC game flight simulators. This one is based on a full physics model for air and ground operations. This is complemented by an implementation of the F-16 flight control system that is a faithful model of the actual system used in current inventory jets. Combined, these models create a completely different feel from any prior version of the F-16 in the Falcon franchise (or any other equivalent for that matter).

After a couple of hours flying, the flight model certainly feels different. That sensation of "flying on rails" is definitively not there. Boy, there will be a lot of re-learning now.

The list of newly added/modified items appears to be hefty.

One of them is fully supported TrackIR 6DoF. Outstanding!

All you need is the original CD for Falcon 4.0 and a download from this link.



  1. Bloody hell. Time to dust off my old F4 disk & manual ;)

    Looks amazing and fully 3D pit!

    I know what i'm doing tonight.

    Hmmmm old TM Cougar in loft and now use a Warthog........

  2. Well that's definitely worth a look. Looked on ebay for an original F4 (only have Allied Force) but quite pricey (well, £10 at the mo') - though saw it was released in a compilation sold through an Amazon seller in the UK for £0.01

    Thanks for the heads up... particularly looking forward to seeing the 3d pit.

  3. wait, we can't use Allied Force disk with this mod?? That would be a major bummer, as I don't want to buy an old F4.0 that is overpriced...

  4. You need the original Falcon 4.0 exe to install the latest BMS.

