Sunday, August 8, 2010

Coolest and Greatest Gift Ever

I just sent a couple of games to a friend early this year when he was in the sandbox and he sent me this awesome gift. An Iraqi flag signed with the names of all his squad. Also note the two hands imprinted with sand. I have never received so much for so little ... I salute you guys, and thank you for your service to the country!

The posting of this picture without covering the names in it has been approved by the US Army.

I'm heading now to the frame shop. This one is going to be the central piece of my war room.



  1. Very nice JC! That flag will look awesome framed and hanging on your wall.

  2. Hello guys and thanks for your comments. I opened the envelope and I almost dropped off the armchair. :)


  3. What a great gift! Don't wash it!!! Having real Iraqi sand with the handprints of actual soldiers is quite an artifact! Very cool!

  4. Hi tFS!

    No way I'm going to wash that. The flag is in the framing workshop right now. I will pick it up this weekend when I get back to MD.

    P/S: Are you beta testing CM Normandy?

  5. Hey JC. I'm not allowed to say ;). All I can say is what BFC has already said publicly... it looks good and is coming along very nicely. :)

  6. Awesome.
    Keep us posted! :) Just kidding! I know you can't. Looking forward to the new Combat Mission.


  7. Still think I should have had it embroidered for ya. The OIF part that is. Oh well. I glad you like it.


    aka DevilDog
