Sunday, July 11, 2010

WWII Eastern Front Book/Game Combo

I'm anxiously awaiting the next book series by David Glantz about the battle for Smolensk. First volume was supposed to come out in June, yet it has been delayed a couple of times.

On the meantime, I'm playing Matrix/SSG's "Across the Dnepr Second Edition".

I still remember when I reluctantly picked up a boxed copy of "Korsun Pocket" from the local CompUSA. At that time the only other wargame I had was Close Combat 3 and the idea of a computer wargame featuring dice seemed strange to me. I know, I was like Zoolander in this scene ...

This game series never deviated from its original board game roots. Yet the engine has evolved into a unique gaming experience with exquisite and intricate rules. Playing this on cardboard would be almost impossible.

I still have the first edition of "Across the Dnepr", maybe I should re-install it for comparison.



  1. what game engine is it use? old "Battles in Italy" or new "Battlefront"?

  2. Hello :)

    This one uses the "Battlefront" one, I think. This is an add-on to "Kharkov Disaster in the Donets".


  3. It uses the "Kharkov Disaster in the Donets" engine, not the Battlefront one. U need to buy Kharkov first to play this Smolensk scenario

  4. Yeah, that's true. I still have the original Korsun Pocket and the Smolensk expansion.


  5. thanks guys, good to hear that(SSG made huge mistake with all that "improvements" in Battlefront in my opinion)
