Thursday, November 5, 2009

A TV Show I always Look Forward To

This show is just great:

A war game between the pros! Can't wait for tonight's episode.



  1. Is this still on? I can't find it on the Mil. Channel anymore.

    TV show I always look forward to?

    "The Unit"

    Doh, guess that got cancelled too. All I have to do is get hooked on a show and it's the kiss of death for that show....dammit.

  2. Hi!

    Thanks for your comment and for dropping by the blog.

    I saw one episode past Thursday at 11:00 pm (I think, not so sure) EST. But I don't know if it was a re-run.

    The show is a sort of a "Survivor for War Nerds". The OPFOR are guys from different backgrounds, but always with serving (even combat) experience. I hope the show is still up.

    "The Unit", what a good show! Love that one too. Got cancelled?

    I guess we are in line for buying the DVD version.

