Monday, May 28, 2012

SimHQ's Multiplayer Server for Iron Front Liberation 1944 is Up

If you are looking for a cool bunch of people for multiplayer matches, the guys at have a server up and a TeamSpeak channel too.
Besides many other missions and scenarios, there are no less than 3 multiplayer tank battles uploaded.

This screenshot from one coop mission that I played at SimHQ's server. We had to ambush a German convoy and destroy the vehicles. The firefight was very brief and we spend some time figuring out how to destroy the vehicles in the convoy.  In the end, we drove them into a spot, bunched them up and blew them with demo charges. Fun!



Magnum said...

Thx JC... and were working on getting up better, more cooperative missions. In time. ;)

Route Clearance said...


Any chance you intend on hoping into some MP? Let me know if you do. Could certainly use a good team!