Tuesday, February 23, 2010

JCOVE Lite: Reaction to Enemy Fire Drill

This four step drill and its variants are almost universal among armies of the world. It may come in handy at your next online coop match.
The other three steps (also presented as images) available when you click "read more"

Monday, February 22, 2010

TacNuggets #1: Overwatching and Overlooking Battle Spaces

The official line: TacNuggets is an experimental series of short entries about tactics. This series will  focus in simple tactical problems and their solution, using several simulators and games. Not intended to provide a full tactical meal, TacNuggets is just a snack to get your warrior spirit going through dull periods of time at work, the downloading/installation of your favorite game, your significant other's nagging, the music on  your credit card's customer support line or the loading time of your next DCS Black Shark mission.

The fine print: TacNuggets is mostly about: (i) blunders that consistently get me killed and prevent me to complete scenarios and write a decent after action report; (ii) over analyzing tactical axioms that most people can practice in their sleep; (iii) fattening your warrior spirit with an unhealthy snack that will leave you unfit even to command a pack of sheeps and  (iv), camouflaging the diminishing lenght and quality of the blog's entries with new names or word tricks.    

Without further addo, let's go straight into this first entry.

Simulator: Steel Beasts ProPE
Topic: Bounding Overwatch

Friday, February 19, 2010

"Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943", Tactical Combat Delivered in Manageable Chunks

The demo of "Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943" was released this week.

I'll spare you the generic and repetitive babble that you can read about this game in the mainstream media: a tactical World War II game  ... it has an "strategic" layer (that "strategic" bit always makes me chuckle) ... the battles play in real time ... it looks really pretty ... blah, blah, blah.

The question that I had when I loaded the demo: is there anything for incorrigible old farts like me who are beyond eye candy?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

HistWar Les Grognards, Say Hello to my Little Voltigeur!

I just finished all the tutorials in HistWar Les Grognards (HWLG). The slow pace that I'm taking with this game is not for a lack of liking. Au contraire, I'm very excited about this game. I just  want to make sure that I get it right before venturing into battle. Also, there is some reading involved (got some books about Napoleonic warfare).

This short entry to let you know that HWLG really shines when you are in command of two or more Corps. This becomes evident in the last tutorial. With two or more Corps at your command, you have more tactical options (off course) and you have to think it twice before putting your units in action.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

JCOVE Lite and the Urban Patrol Script

How much spoiled I became with ARMA 2 and its place-and-forget AI OPFOR units!

ARMA 2's AI OPFOR units that search, flank and swarm you from all over the map with vicious ferocity are just a click away in the editor. Now regarding this new JCOVE Lite drug I'm already addicted to, be advised that the AI is some sort of entity that lies between ARMA and ARMA 2. The question is: is it possible to give the AI OPFOR in JCOVE Lite some of the smarties mentioned above?

Red Pill: New Screenshots

WarfareSims.com has a new batch of screenshots of the "Cans Only" scenario. This naval/air war game looks absolutely fantastic and judging by the screenshots where info windows are open there appears to be an excellent engine under the hood. Read the full story and see all the screenshots here.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

JCOVE Lite: The British Army Infantry Fire Team

Gentlemen, I am going to go on a limb when it comes to formations and TTPs in JCOVE-Lite. The UK Ministry of Defense considers all Army doctrinal publications secret, so it's going to be hard to be true to life. Any pointers and suggestions are (as always) very welcome.

Tank-Infantry Teams in ARMA 2: Securing a Foothold in an Urban Area (Part 3)

This is a continuation of past Tuesday's entry. Again, I pasted the birds eye view of the area of operations (image above) for an easier following of the action.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

JCOVE Lite: Some Screenshots of As-Samawah and Nearby Places

I finally got a chance to install JCOVE Lite. Couldn't play that much yet, but I fired up the mission editor and placed myself in As-Samawah. This city offers a lot of opportunities for MOUT operations. Can't wait to get more of JCOVE Lite. Some extra screenshots inside. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tank-Infantry Teams in ARMA 2: Securing a Foothold in an Urban Area (Part 2)

This is a continuation of my previous entry. I pasted the birds eye view of the area of operations (image above) for an easier following of the action.