Monday, December 27, 2010

Restrepo - A Documentary by Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington

I saw this one during the weekend and definitively is one of the best documentaries about the war in Afghanistan. The firefight scenes are almost surreal. Highly recommended movie.



an ass said...

Have you seen danish "Armadillo"?

Anonymous said...

Watched this this weekend was good stuff

Mike said...

I just saw this film a few weeks ago. I'm really glad that most of the guys made it out of there. The true test will be how their non-visible scars heal in the coming years.

I've been overseas twice now, and I cant say that I've ever been as deep as these guys were.

The video reminded me of a few things. Specifically, that you should enjoy life and the things you have in, food, running water, nobody shooting at you on a daily basis.

Kudos to that commander, who throughout the video, stayed vigilant even when he had KIA and WIA on his hands.

JC said...

RE: Armadillo. I want to see that one right away.


Thanks for your service,


Greg said...

I saw this a couple of weeks ago myself. Very powerful documentary.